

洪森亲王22日下午通过社交媒体发文写道:“今天是美好的一天,两个相邻的柬埔寨和泰国王国在同一天迎来了新总理。虽然我将从今天起辞去柬埔寨总理一职,但我谨向斯雷塔(Srettha Thavisin)阁下获得泰国国会投票当选泰国新总理表示祝贺。我希望两国新总理共同努力,进一步推动两国合作关系。”

«Today is a beautiful day as two neighboring monarchies (Cambodia and Thailand) receive a new prime minister on the same day. Although I will step down as prime minister of Cambodia, effective from today, I would like to send a congratulatory message to His Excellency Srettha Thavisin, who has been elected by the National Assembly as the new prime minister of Thailand.

I hope the two new prime ministers will work together to further boost cooperation between the two countries».

应提的是,22日下午,泰国国会投选新首相,斯雷塔(Srettha Thavisin)成功获得过半数支持,当选泰国新任首相。