
洪森亲王在社交媒体发文写道:“如果不停火,加沙将成为世界最大杀戮场。 过去,国际社会多次呼吁在加沙停火,但遭到以色列总理拒绝,称“不释放人质就不会停火”。




“Without a ceasefire, the Gaza would become the world's large massacre site. There have been calls from the international community for a ceasefire in the Gaza, but it has been rejected by the Israeli prime minister, saying that "there will be no ceasefire without the release of hostages."

If this is an Israeli prime minister’s word, as the media reports, I see it is a step towards ceasefire if Hamas agrees to release hostages in exchange for a ceasefire.

I would like to call on the secretary general of the United Nations and all stakeholders to begin negotiations, starting with the release of hostages by Hamas and the Israel’s pledge of ceasefire when hostages are released.

I also call on Hamas of Palestine to release the hostages in exchange for a ceasefire that will benefit the lives of all Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.»